Common Food Intolerances

Whilst it is possible for the body to develop a sensitivity or intolerance to any food or drink item there are certainly those, which are very common.

Here are some of the most common food sensitivities.

  • Wheat Intolerance

    Wheat is found in items using wheat flour or the wheat grain itself such as bread and bread products, pasta, biscuits, crackers, cereal, cakes and pastry products. It is also often used as a thickener so can be found in soups, sauces, stews and processed meals. It can also be found in beer, ale and lager.

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  • Caffeine

    Caffeine intolerance can trigger symptoms like insomnia and headaches. Learn more about caffeine and how to cope with a caffeine intolerance.

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  • Gluten Intolerance

    Gluten is the name given to a protein found in all wheat, rye, barley and oat products. It acts like a binder in food, giving it elasticity and a springy feel. It is found in all produce which uses wheat, rye, barley or oats such as bread and bread products, pasta, biscuits, crackers, cereal, muesli, cakes and pastries. It can also be found in beer, ale, lager, soups and processed products.

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  • Lactose Sensitivity

    Do you difficulty digestiving food and drink containing lactose?

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  • Fish Intolerance & Allergy

    Fish intolerance can trigger symptoms like bloating, stomach cramps and headaches. Learn more about fish intolerance, fish allergies and the differences between them here.

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  • Egg Intolerance

    Eggs are the produce of chickens and ducks. Most commonly it is chicken eggs, which are sold and used in processed products. Eggs can come in many forms, boiled, poached, fried, scrambled and omelette. They are also used in baking, mayonnaise, custard, mousse, margarine, meringue and ice cream. Eggs can be separated into egg white and egg yolk, sometimes only part of the egg is used.

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  • Dairy Intolerance

    Whilst it is possible for the body to develop a sensitivity or intolerance to any food or drink item there are certainly those, which are very common.

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  • Yeast Intolerance

    Yeast is a fungus, which feeds on sugars. It is used in the baking of products like bread. It may also be found in pastries, biscuits, crackers, cereals, stock cubes and alcohol, such as beer and cider.

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  • Sugar

    Whilst it is possible for the body to develop a sensitivity or intolerance to any food or drink item there are certainly those, which are very common.

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